09:00-12:00 | Introductory Forums
Academic Forum on the Construction Law | BIM Forum | Corporate Counsels Forum |
The Academic Forum on the Construction Law aims to bring together academics and practicioners to share ideas about how the growth of construction law teaching may be fostered, in Latin America and beyond. | The BIM Forum at SCL 2016 is technical session organized by representatives of the São Paulo Metropolitan Company - Metro, the UK BIM Task Group, the Brazil Tunneling Committee and SindusCon-SP, to share ideas on the various developments in BIM (Building Information Modelling). | The Corporate Counsels's Forum at SCL 2016 was designed as a round table with leading corporate legal counsels to share their views on the challenges of doing business in Brazil, including matters related to the rule of law, dispute resolution, compliance, anti-trust challenges and the impact of the "Lava Jato" investigation. |
See more information on the following link: Academic Forum on Construction Law. | See more information on the following link: BIM Forum. | See more information on the following link: Corporate Counsel Forum. |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch
14:00-14:45 | Opening ceremony
14:45-15:30 | Plenary session
Keynote introduction by The Right Honourable Sir Rupert Matthew Jackson, Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal, London, UK. See paper at the following link: Keynote introduction. |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee break
16:00-17:45 | Working sessions
Chair: | Keith Kirkwood, Chief Executive, Bennington Green Ltd (London, UK) |
Speakers: | Christopher Ennis, Director, Time | Quantum Expert Forensics (London, UK) Robert Fenwick Elliott, Barrister, Keating Chambers (International Member (Myponga Beach, Australia) |
Chair: | Darren Benger, President, SCL Singapore (Singapore) |
Speakers: | Adam Matthews, Head, UK BIM Task Group (London, UK) Francisco A. de Vasconcellos Neto, Vice-President, Sinduscon-SP; Executive Director, DOX Planejamento e Gestão (São Paulo, Brazil) Wilton Catelani, BIM Coordinator, CBIC - Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry (São Paulo, Brazil) Eduardo Toledo, Poli-USP Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil) |
1C3 - Evolution of construction law in Latin America: Recent developments and leassons learned1C3 -
Chair: | Jaime Gray, Lecturer on Construction Law, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas (Lima, Peru) |
Speakers: | Ricardo Barreiro, Partner, Rattagan Macchiavello Arocena (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Eric Franco, Lecturer on Construction Contracts, Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Peru) Fernando Marcondes, Partner, L.O. Baptista SVMFA (São Paulo, Brazil) Juan Pablo Stitchkin, Partner, Carey (Santiago, Chile) Roberto Hernandez, Partner, COMAD (Mexico City, Mexico) |
1D4 - The new Public Works model in Qatar: Trends according to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public
Chair: | Tony Dymond, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton (London, UK) |
Speakers: | Ahmad Ali H Al-Ansari, Contracts Advisor at Contract Affairs Department, Public Works Authority (Doha, Qatar) Luke Robottom, Counsel, White & Case (Abu Dhabi, UAE) |
18:00-20:00 | Welcoming cocktail
Launching of Coletânea CBIC - Implementação do BIM para Construtoras e Incorporadoras | |
Guest: | José Carlos Rodrigues Martins, President, CBIC - Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry (Brasília, Brazil) |