09:00-10:30 | Plenary session | A global perspective on the future of infrastructure: Challenges and Proposals
Chair: | Maria Eduarda Gouvêa Berto, EBP - Empresa Brasileira de Projetos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) |
Speakers: | Lígia Chagas, Superintendent of Energy, Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Marcio Giannico, Head of Project Finance and Structured Lending Departament, Banco do Brasil (São Paulo, Brazil) Paul Procee, Director, The World Bank Group (Brasília, Brazil) |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break
11:00-12:30 | Working sessions
2A5 - Arbitration and litigation: Trends and challenges in international construction disputes
Chair: | Flavia Bittar, President, Brazilian Arbitration Committee (São Paulo, Brazil) |
Speakers: | Adrian Hughes QC, Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers (London, UK) Fernando Eduardo Serec, Partner, Tozzini Freire (São Paulo, Brazil) Johan Beyers, President, SCL Africa (Joannesbuerg, South Africa) Naoki Iguchi, Partner, Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu (Tokyo, Japan) Ratan K. Singh, Chairman, Society of Construction Law; Advocate and Arbitrator, Chambers of Ratan K. Singh (New Delhi, India) |
2B6 - Public Procurement, PPP’s, Concessions and Project Finance: The challenge to implement successful projects
Chair: | Ovidiu Ioan Dumitru, President, Romanian Society of Construction Law (Bucharest, Romania) |
Speakers: | José Virgílio Lopes Enei, Partner, Machado Meyer (São Paulo, Brazil) Pablo Sorj, Partner, Mattos Filho (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Ruy Camilo Jr., Partner, Camilo Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil) Renato Stetner, Partner, Castro Barros (São Paulo, Brazil) |
2C7 - Ethics and compliance in the construction industry: Challenges, benchmark and recommendations
Chair: | Júlio César Bueno, President, SCL Brazil, Partner, Pinheiro Neto Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil) |
Speakers: | Minister Grace Maria Fernandes Mendonça, Brazil’s State Attorney-General (Brasília, Brazil) Celso Cintra Mori, Partner, Pinheiro Neto Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil) Donald G. Gavin, Partner, Akerman (Vienna, USA) Geert Aalbers, Senior Partner, Control Risks (São Paulo, Brazil) Marcia Ferrari, Head of Development Latin America, RICS (São Paulo, Brazil) Thomas Kamm, Partner, Brunswick (São Paulo, Brazil) |
2D8 - The Construction Law under the different families of Common and Civil Law: Points to remember and consider
Chair: | Professor Wolfgang Breyer, University of Stuttgart; Partner, Breyer Rechtsanwälte (Stuttgart, Germany) |
Speakers: | David Brown, Partner, Clyde & Co (Paris, France) Professor Stefan Leupertz, Partner, Leupertz Baukonfliktmanagement; Honorary Professor for the Construction Law, Technical University of Dortmund (Essen, Germany) |
12:30-13:45 | Lunch
14:00-15:30 | Working sessions
2A9 - Dispute boards and adjudication: Lessons learned and recommendations
Chair: | Richard Bailey, Partner, Goodman Derrick (London, UK) |
Speakers: | Chris Miers, Director, Probyn Miers (London, UK) John Wright, Partner, John Wright ADR Limited (London, UK) Kailash Dabeesingh, Partner, Kailash Dabeesingh Arbitration (Mauritius) Robert Fenwick Elliott, Barrister, Keating Chambers - International Member (Myponga Beach, Australia) |
2B10 - Hot tubbing session with experts: Best practices for delay and quantum analysis
Chair: | John Cock, Executive Director, Regional Head of Expertise, Arcadis (Hong Kong) |
Speakers: | Christopher Ennis, Director, Time | Quantum Expert Forensics (London, UK) Claus Lenz, LLS Lungerich Lenz Schuhmacher (Köln, Germany) Felipe A. Isoré Gutiérrez, Senior Vice President, Hill International (Miami, Florida) Simon E. Braithwaite, Forensic and Litigation Consulting, FTI Consulting (New York, USA) |
2C11 - The good faith principle and its application to construction contracts: Common Law and Civil Law approaches
Chair: | Celso Cintra Mori, Partner, Pinheiro Neto (São Paulo, Brazil) |
Speakers: | Judith Martins-Costa, Partner Judith Martins-Costa Advogados (Porto Alegre, Brazil) Professor Paula Forgioni, Full Professor of Commercial Law, University of São Paulo Law School Group (São Paulo, Brazil) Victoria Peckett, Partner, CMS (London, UK) |
2D12 - Security and promptness of payment: The tension between certainty and speed
Chair: | R. Bruce Reynolds, Partner, BLG (Toronto, Canada) |
Speakers: | Douglas Oles, Partner, Oles Morrison (Seattle, USA) Graeme Christie, Construction Partner, Simpson Grierson (Auckland, New Zealand) Helmut Johannsen, Associate Counsel, Singleton Urquhart (Vancouver, Canada) Marcelo Botelho de Mesquita, Partner, Botelho de Mesquita (Florianópolis, Brazil) Tony Dymond, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton (London, UK) |
16:00-17:45 | Plenary Session | The future of the Construction Law
Chair: | Júlio César Bueno, Chairman, SCL 2016, Partner, Pinheiro Neto Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil) |
Speakers: | The Right Honourable Sir Rupert Matthew Jackson, Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal (London, UK) The Honourable Sir Vivian Ramsey, International Judge, Singapore International Commercial Court and former Judge in Charge of the Technology and Construction Court (London, UK) The Honourable Justice Peter Norman Vickery, The Supreme Court of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia) Professor Doug Jones AO, Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Law School (Melbourne, Australia) and Queen Mary University of London Law School (London, UK) Professor Sundra Rajoo, President, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - CIArb; Director, Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration - KLRCA, (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Professor Oscar Vilhena, Director, Getúlio Vargas Foundation São Paulo Law School (São Paulo, Brazil) |
19:30-22:30 | Gala Charity Dinner
With keynote speech by Professor Doug Jones AO, Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Law School (Melbourne, Australia) and Queen Mary University of London Law School (London, UK) An special presentation by ARCAH Non Governmental Charitable Entity (São Paulo, Brazil). |