09:00-12:00 | Introductory Forums
Academic Forum on the Construction Law | BIM Forum | Corporate Counsels Forum |
The Academic Forum on the Construction Law aims to bring together academics and practicioners to share ideas about how the growth of construction law teaching may be fostered, in Latin America and beyond. | The BIM Forum at SCL 2016 is technical session organized by representatives of the São Paulo Metropolitan Company - Metro, the UK BIM Task Group, the Brazil Tunneling Committee and SindusCon-SP, to share ideas on the various developments in BIM (Building Information Modelling). | The Corporate Counsels's Forum at SCL 2016 was designed as a round table with leading corporate legal counsels to share their views on the challenges of doing business in Brazil, including matters related to the rule of law, dispute resolution, compliance, anti-trust challenges and the impact of the "Lava Jato" investigation. |
See more information on the following link: Academic Forum on Construction Law. | See more information on the following link: BIM Forum. | See more information on the following link: Corporate Counsel Forum. |
12:00-13:45 | Lunch
14:00-14:45 | Opening ceremony
14:45-15:30 | Plenary session
Keynote introduction by The Right Honourable Sir Rupert Matthew Jackson, Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal (London, UK)
16:00-17:45 | Working sessions
1A1 - Twenty years of the Society of Construction Law Delay and Disruption Protocol: What lies ahead?
1B2 - Building Information Modeling (BIM): The future of the construction industry?
1C3 - Evolution of construction law in Latin America: Recent developments and leassons learned
1D4 - The new Public Works model in Qatar: Trends according to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public
18:00-20:00 | Welcoming cocktail
Launching of Coletânea CBIC - Implementação do BIM para Construtoras e Incorporadoras
José Carlos Rodrigues Martins, President, CBIC - Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry (Brasília, Brazil)
09:00-10:30 | Plenary session | A global perspective on the future of infrastructure: Challenges and Proposals
Maria Eduarda Gouvêa Berto, EBP - Empresa Brasileira de Projetos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Paul Procee, Director, The World Bank Group (Brasília, Brazil)
Lígia Chagas, Department of Alternative Energy, BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Marcio Giannico, Head of Project Finance and Structured Lending Departament, Banco do Brasil (São Paulo, Brazil)
11:00-12:30 | Working sessions
2A5 - Arbitration and litigation: Trends and challenges in international construction disputes
2B6 - Public Procurement, PPP’s, Concessions and Project Finance: The challenge to implement successful projects
2C7 - Ethics and compliance in the construction industry: Challenges, benchmark and recommendations
2D8 - The Construction Law under the different families of Common and Civil Law: Points to remember and consider
14:00-15:30 | Working sessions
2A9 - Dispute boards and adjudication: Lessons learned and recommendations
2B10 - Hot tubbing session with experts: Best practices for delay and quantum analysis
2C11 - The good faith principle and its application to construction contracts: Common Law and Civil Law approaches
2D12 - Security and promptness of payment: The tension between certainty and speed
16:00-17:45 | Plenary session | The future of the Construction Law
Júlio César Bueno, Chairman, SCL 2016, Partner, Pinheiro Neto Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil)
The Right Honourable Sir Rupert Matthew Jackson, Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal (London, UK)
The Honourable Sir Vivian Ramsey, International Judge, Singapore International Commercial Court and former Judge in Charge of the Technology and Construction Court (London, UK)
The Honourable Justice Peter Norman Vickery, The Supreme Court of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia)
Professor Doug Jones AO, Independent Arbitrator (Sydney, London and Toronto)
Professor Sundra Rajoo, President, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - CIArb; Director, Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration - KLRCA, (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Professor Oscar Vilhena, Director, Getúlio Vargas Foundation São Paulo Law School (São Paulo, Brazil)
19:30-22:30 | Gala Charity Dinner
With keynote speech by Professor Doug Jones AO, Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Law School (Melbourne, Australia) and Queen Mary University of London Law School (London, UK)
An special presentation by ARCAH Non Governmental Charitable Entity (São Paulo, Brazil)
09:00-12:30 | Plenary session | American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL) and Canadian College of Construction Lawyers (CCCL), Hot Topics in Construction Law
Streamlining International Arbitration
Cross-Jurisdictional Views of the Implied Duty of Good Faith
Role of Expert Witnesses in International Arbitration
Defenses to Liquidated Damages and Waivers of Consequential Damages Comparing Canadian, UK and US law:
Avoiding and Resolving Problems with EPC and Design-Build Construction
14:00-15:30 | Working sessions
3A13 - Mediation, Dispute System Design (DSD), and Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE): Trends and developments
3B14 - London 2012, Rio 2016, Tokyo 2020 and Qatar 2022: Lessons learned on Olympic and World Cup events
3C15 - The ABC of construction delivery systems: DBB’s, EPC’s EPCM’s, Alliance Contracts and alike
3D16 - Managing conflicts in construction contracts: An open discussion, with The Honourable Justice Peter Norman Vickery, The Supreme Court of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia)
16:00-17:15 | Plenary session | The application of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in construction contracts and disputes, organized by CAM-CCBC
Carlos Forbes, President, CAM-CCBC (São Paulo, Brazil)
Professor Stefan Kröll, Partner, Rechtsanwalt Kroell (Köln, Germany)
Professor Cláudio Finkelstein, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (São
Paulo, Brazil)
Cesar A. Guimarães Pereira, Partner, Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini
(Curitiba, Brazil)
Rodrigo Moreira, Partner, Laudelino da Costa Mendes Neto Advocacia (Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil)
CAM-CCBC offers a limited number of registrations to law students with interest in CISG and The Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The offer only covers the registration fee for SCL 2016 and does not comprise the payment of any extra cost, such as accomodation and traveling expenses. Should you be willing to apply for a registration, please send an e-mail to Moot CAM-CCBC with copy Luiza Kümmel.
17:15-18:00 | Closing ceremony
Report from SCL International
Launching of the 2018 Seventh Society of Construction International Biennial Conference